An employee of Ginza Tanaka presents the "Gundam Fix Platinum" at its unveiling ceremony in Tokyo May 10, 2007. Japanese jewellery maker Ginza Tanaka and toy maker Bandai Co. Ltd on Thursday unveiled a miniature of Japan's famous robot animation character "Gundam" made of 1,400 grams (45 oz) of pure platinum at about 130mm (5 inches) tall.
Photographers take pictures of the "Gundam Fix Platinum" at its unveiling ceremony in Tokyo May 10, 2007. Japanese jewellery maker Ginza Tanaka and toy maker Bandai Co. Ltd on Thursday unveiled a miniature of Japan's famous robot animation character "Gundam" made of 1,400 grams (45 oz) of pure platinum at about 130mm (5 inches) tall.
A Gundam made of pure platinum, and with a 0.15 carat diamond mounted to the head, will be displayed at BaselWorld 2007, a watch and jewelry show.
This approach is GINZA TANAKA platinum to the creation of new value and that they wanted to, the characters Gundam world would like to have one of Bandai match made. Timeless popular character, pure, rare and enduring symbol of being pure platinum (Pt1000) material used as the eternal white platinum continue to shine in a reproduction of the Gundam's charm and shine forever maintain that success. 89 thousands of sophisticated built-up parts to be designed for the delicate and noble impression in the finish.
At present, this work is not expected to be sold, as a reference price is US $ 250000 worth.
The material is pure platinum (Pt1000), the weight of 1400 g.
"Gundam Fix Platinum" unveiled
Child’s Silver Alphabet Christening Bangle
This is a popular bangle of ours - we call it the alphabet bangle simply because it has all the letters of the alphabet engraved on it and is a perfect Christening gift.
Perfect for giving to a baby on their special day, this Christening bangle is adjustable for the perfect fit. This bangle is from the D For Diamonds range and, as such, includes a diamond and comes packeged in a presentation box.
Feel free to take a closer look at our Christening jewellery collection.
ref [miltongems]
Emerald Jewellery Set in Gold
Diamond jewellery may be a girls best friend, but sometimes it is emerald that is loved - the birthstone of may and with the majority of our jewellery, diamonds complement the emerald and gold.
We have just been adding some more emerald pieces - mainly emerald earrings and emerald pendants and all set in 9ct gold - ready for may when it’s the traditional gift to give to a loved one.
ref : miltongems